Sunday, February 26, 2006

"I'll make you an offer you cannot refuse"

I shall begin with a random selection of my old photos. Hitherto, I'll get get you up to date concerning my activity. Feel free to make [or should I say "I recommend you made"] comments on any of my photos or texts. Long talk, the poverty of man.
[inevitably] Here are my photos: "ingioi"!
Ma inclin,
Oitza verde reincarcata


Anonymous said...

Mai, da si tu esti oita? mai stim noi un blogger le petit inca cum: verde reincarcata!! :))

maria melcverde said...

oui, mais eu am aflat dupa ce am facut blog-ul ca le mouton= oaia. my french est tres... poor. sunt "reloaded" dupa "shakespeare reincarcat", the play that make the aforementioned turn in his grave. but let's get back to our sheep ;)
I bow,
The same green sheep